Treating a Receding Hairline

Seeing one’s hairline gradually diminish can be distressing for numerous men. However, the good news is that there are measures you can take to halt its progression!

Why is my hair thinning out?

Hair loss can be attributed to a variety of factors, with each individual’s experience being unique. It could be due to a deficiency in certain vitamins or minerals, or even stress-induced. However, the most common reason for hair loss in men is Androgenic Alopecia, commonly referred to as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB).

In the UK alone, over 6.5 million men grapple with MPB. This condition stems from an overproduction of Dihydrotestosterone, which we’ll simplify as DHT. Elevated levels of DHT cause the hair follicles to diminish in size until they eventually shed. This, over time, results in a noticeable receding pattern, typically starting from the temples or the crown.

How can I determine the cause of my receding hairline?

If you’re concerned about hair loss, consulting a dermatologist is the best course of action. They will typically begin by reviewing both your personal and familial medical backgrounds.

Your dermatologist might carry out a ‘pull test’ during the consultation. In this procedure, they gently tug on a few strands of hair to see the ease with which they come out. This gives them an insight into the strength of your hair follicles, facilitating a diagnosis.

It’s challenging to predict the extent to which one’s hairline might recede. Therefore, if retaining your hair is a priority, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly.

What’s the optimal solution for a thinning hairline?

If Male Pattern Baldness is the root cause of your receding hairline, there are several effective treatments available.

While many might think of hair transplants or toupeés as potential solutions, it’s essential to note that they can be costly and might not offer permanent results.

Finasteride is a recognized treatment for Male Pattern Baldness. It’s available either as an oral tablet or a topical application, with the latter being referred to as Topical Finasteride. The primary function of Finasteride is to inhibit the transformation of Testosterone into DHT, which contributes to hair loss.

Another pivotal treatment is Minoxidil. This topical remedy primarily enhances blood circulation to hair follicles, ensuring they receive vital nutrients. As a result, the hair strands become more robust and thicker.

For a deeper understanding of Finasteride and Minoxidil, it’s recommended to do further research or consult with a dermatologist.

How Volumize Can Assist

Finasteride and Minoxidil are renowned as two of the leading treatments available for combating male hair loss. Recognizing their efficacy, we’ve merged these two well-established solutions to create a single, easy-to-use, twice-daily head spray that’s free from grease and odor.

Discover more about our innovative solution here.